Free UK Mainland Delivery on Orders over £60


1 Where can you deliver?

Currently, is set up to send orders to addresses, we do not deliver to UK BFPO or UK PO box addresses.

2 Can I change the delivery address?

Once an order has been placed, providing it has not been picked ready for dispatch you can contact us quickly to ensure your request is dealt with urgently.

We are unable to guarantee any address change requests will be carried through successfully and we advise you to please take extra care when selecting your delivery address.

3 What are my delivery charges?

When you buy an item at, your products purchased are shipped directly from any one or more of our approved suppliers located in France. Each supplier has its own shipping terms and costs. To make it easier and more cost effective for you, has set up a fix shipping cost worked on the value for the whole order, disregarding the method of shipment and whether it comes from multiple suppliers or not. Your products may also arrive separately, but this won’t make your shipping cost more expensive.

Please click here for further information and to see our terms and conditions.